Dear clients,
We are still by your side – even in times of Corona!
Due to the danger of infection, we will hardly be able to attend personal appointments at the law firm in the next few weeks. However, we can be reached as usual by telephone, fax, e-mail and, if desired, in a video conference.
As you know, we see ourselves as a digital law firm. If – at all – receipts and documents have to be submitted to us that cannot be provided by e-mail or upload, please send them to us by post or messenger. We ask you to refrain from personal collection. Signatures for tax returns and annual financial statements are currently only requested in digital form.
Immediate refund of the special advance payment of value added tax
Since 24 March 2020, it has been possible for a company economically affected by Corona to have the special advance payment of turnover tax for 2020 refunded immediately by the tax office. However, the permanent extension of the deadline remains in force.
Further tax relief
With the BMF letter of 19 March 2020, the Federal Ministry of Finance decided, inter alia, on the following tax deferral measures to take account of the effects of the corona virus (Covid-19/SARS CoV-2).
Application for tax deferrals:
Taxpayers affected by Corona can apply until 31 December 2020 for deferral of the taxes already due or becoming due by that date, by presenting their financial circumstances, applications. This applies to the following types of tax:
corporation tax
Income tax,
Solidarity surcharge,
Trade tax,
Sales tax
The Berlin tax authorities have further informed that this applies to all overdue taxes of a taxpayer who is economically affected by the effects of the Corona crisis.
Deduction of advance tax payments:
Application for reduction of the quarterly tax prepayments (income tax, corporate income tax and trade tax) also retroactively from the 1st quarter of 2020, if necessary; this application can be submitted unbureaucratically to the responsible tax office.
Late surcharges
Insofar as the so-called Corona crisis led to delays in the submission of tax returns, the tax offices had been asked to waive any surcharges for delays.
Remission of late surcharges:
For late payments to the tax office (due to the Corona issue), it should be possible to apply for a remission of the late payment surcharges until the end of 2020.
Short-time work allowance
To facilitate access to the short-time working allowance, the following regulations apply retroactively as of March 01, 2020:
Reduction of the conditions:
If orders are not placed due to difficult economic developments, a company can apply for short-time work if at least < 10 percent of the employees could be affected by the loss of work.
Minus hours:
Current law requires that in companies with variable working time models, these may also be used to avoid short-time work and be driven into the red. This is no longer necessary for the time being.
Temporary workers:
Temporary workers will also be able to receive short-time working compensation in the future.
Social security contributions:
The social security contributions that employers normally have to pay for their employees will in future be fully reimbursed by the Federal Employment Agency. However, the employer will still have to pay them in advance.
Amount of the short-time working allowance:
Employees with a child allowance of at least 0.5 receive 67% of the net pay difference, all other employees receive 60% of the net pay difference. But here too, adjustments to 80% are currently under discussion. We will be happy to advise you.
Employers can voluntarily increase the net payments to their employees, thus paying a subsidy and/or a tax-free perseverance premium in addition to the short-time work allowance. We would be pleased to advise you on this in detail and directly as usual.
You can find further information under:
Corona Grants – state and federal funds and credit assistance Berlin
Since 23 March 2020 it has been possible to apply for aid for companies, self-employed or freelancers who have got into financial difficulties as a result of the Corona crisis. These can be applied for immediately as “loans from the KfW -Corona Hilfe” at your bank or savings bank.
Non-repayable subsidy for smaller Berliner companies from EUR 5,000 – 15,000
Further programs have been set up by the legislator and are in planning. Currently, the information changes weekly.
The above information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a basis for decisions by third parties or companies (third parties). We expressly point out that we cannot assume any liability, obligation or responsibility for these general and therefore incomplete information. Tax and social security law is a detailed law, so that these cannot be fully incorporated into general information.
However, we would be pleased to provide you with binding advice.